Need help with the death screen

I made it so that whenever we die, it randomizes the text and shows the death screen but I want to make it better and cover the whole screen.

Death Text Script :

local RandomText = {
	"OOF!", "Why did you do that?", "Better luck next time..", "You Cannot Escape!"

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer or game.Players.PlayerAdded:Wait()
local char = plr.Character or plr.Character:Wait()
local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local fr = script.Parent.Frame
local YouDied = fr.YouDied
local ImageLabel = fr.StaticScreen

	YouDied.Text = RandomText[math.random(1,#RandomText)]	
	for i = 1,0.2,-0.1 do		
		fr.BackgroundTransparency = i
		YouDied.TextTransparency = i				

Please let me know your suggestions and how can I make it better.

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In the video it seems like it is already covering the entire screen so Idk what else you want to do

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Uh sorry. I cropped the above section of the video by mistake.

This is how it looks when the death screen appears.
Is there a way to cover that space?

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Turn on IgnoreGuiInset on the screengui.


Just go to the ScreenGUI and enable IgnoreGuiInset


Thanks! It worked fine. Are there any suggestions you would like to give for the death screen? I feel like its too simple.

If I can suggest something, I would suggest you make a sort of a black banner behind your text where it is located in. This way the player could read the death message better.


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