How would I go about making the camera go from third person to an iron sight view kind of like in the ghost recon games in other words It would be a right click that moves the camera to the view something like this
Help is very much appreciated also I know next to nothing about scripting so I would need a basic idea or maybe something to work with.
There’s couple of way, one that i think would be the best for this kind of gun system is to use AimPart and calculate the offset between the AimPart and the Camera, you can try working on this code (RenderStepped by the way)
local AimPart = AimPartHere
local CameraOffset = Camera.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(AimPart) -- IF this don't work, change it to Camera.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(AimPart):Inverse()
Camera.CFrame *= CameraOffset.Position
But, only use this when the Character faces Up and Down to the Camera (also turns to it too) on your game
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I’m not sure where I’m supposed to place the part and the script as I said I’m very much a rookie at scripting