I made a custom rig, but the issue is that whenever I try to equip or pick up a tool, the tool object itself doesn’t go to my hand, and I can’t pick up tools with my character.
What kind of rig was it? R15? R6? R(ANY)?
If R(ANY) then i think you have to create it your own where the tool goes
How would I make a new tool attatchment?
I honestly don’t know because I’m not more into tools. And i just started doing mesh/ characters and others in feb 2 so i couldn’t help much, sorry. ( i was used(very used) to uis)
You have to code it to attach the tool to an attachment on your custom rig because Roblox only by default will attach tool automatically by creating an attachment on a part named “RightHand”.
You can get around this by creating an invisible part RightHand and use RigidConstraint and Attachment to attach it to the CustomRig (this works with bones as well) area where you want the tool to be held