Need help with "unable to cast dictionary"

Hello, i’m sorta stuck. I’ve been trying to make a tween but it just says “Unable to cast dictionary” It is very annoying as well.

Anyone know how to fix this?

	-- MiddleUI
	for i,v in pairs(MiddleUI.InfoHolder:GetChildren()) do 
		-- variables 
		local Holder = MiddleUI.InfoHolder
		local InformationText = Holder.Info
		local SkipDisplay = Holder.Skip
		local Title = Holder.Title
		local About = Holder.WhatWereLearning
		local Case = Holder.Case
		local Active = Holder.Actived
		-- Changing "cases"


			if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space and Active.Value == true then
				local properties = {Position = 0.247, 0,-0.484, 0}
				local Info =,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
				local MiddleUIFrame = ts:Create(Holder,Info,properties)


		if Case.Value == "PlayerWarning" then			

Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can’t answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.

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This line is causing the issue:

{Position = 0.247, 0,-0.484, 0}

When describing an object position or size the Vector3 constructor should be used:

{Position =, 0,-0.484, 0)}

I tried that at first but it gave me an error so I tried another solution, but now I’m back with the first error.

What is the first error? (tcharacter limit aaaa)

I just realized it’s UI, in that case you must use UDim2.

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Oh god, that right. Thank you for helping.