Need help with understanding a choice menu!

While coming across the creation of a “Circle Choice Table” I noticed that there is indeed a more effective way of doing so via string patterns, (Format maybe[?])

(I already have the necessary underlying components of this such as Remote events, click events, Remote functions etc)

What I am trying to do is:

When the player clicks on a left arrow button, a ChoiceIndex variable goes down by a ChoiceCurrent (In this case, -1 because we’re going backwards on the menu).

It works as usual when the ChoiceCurrent variable is any number above 0.

My question is, what would I have to do with strings in order to achieve the goal of this visualization?
There are only 4 choices on my screen, but if you click further left while on Choice 1, how would I make it revert to the maximum choice? (In this case 4?)

And the other way around?

I think I can help you. Can you explain more?

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Here’s what I came up with so far, with some edits it could work

one for operators

local selected = script.Parent.selected

local array = {

for _,operator in ipairs(script.Parent.operatorcontainer:GetChildren()) do

	if operator.Name=="forward" then
	selected.Value = selected.Value + 1
    for _,val in pairs(array) do
	if table.find(array,selected.Value) then,123,31)--indicating it is selected

for numbers

local buttoncontainer = script.Parent.Frame

for _,button in ipairs(buttoncontainer:GetChildren()) do
		print("You have selected" .. button.Name),255,151)

*colors to indicate selection , apart from print, which works

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I think you’re overcomplicating this.

if ChoiceIndex <= 0 then
ChoiceIndex = 4
elseif ChoiseIndex >= 5 then
ChoiceIndex = 1

Is there something I’m missing?


Yes, Sadly I must admit I did overthink this entirely. D: I just logged back on right now and tried this before being able to look at it. My deepest apologies to all. D: