Need help with Velocity

Hi! I’m working on a ball that gets kicked for a project, I got the script from youtube and am changing it to my own style.

This is a part of the script:

local Velocity ="BodyVelocity")
Velocity.Parent = Ball
Velocity.MaxForce =, 1, 1) * math.huge
Velocity.Velocity = (Direction.Unit * Kick_Force) +, Kick_Force /1.05, 0)
Services.Debris:AddItem(Velocity, 0.2)

Right now the ball flies too high through the air, how do I make it fly less high?

Make kick force lower.
Or make Direction.Unit have a lower Y value.

In terms of random stuff I have to say for 31 characters, here it is.
roblox blocked the right number there’s no way.

This is Direction defined in my script:

local Direction = CFrame.lookAt(Root.Position, Ball.Position).LookVector

How do I change the Y value in that script I just sent?

Try doing, Kick_Force *0.75, 0)

Works, but it shoots with less power. I want it to shoot with the same speed but going less high

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