Hello, I am trying to get a Robloxian 2.0 arm to be visible in a viewport frame
The problem is that the viewport frame is just white and I am confused about how these things work. For more detail, I want the arm to be locked into the middle of the frame and never move (besides maybe rotation). For context, I will be using this in my avatar editor. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions, sorry if this post is wrong it is my first post in awhile.
your model is not showing up because you need to set the viewport frame camera. you can do this by making you current camera in the workspace face the object in the viewport frame on the angle you want then put the model in the view port frame and copy your current camera from the workspace and put it into your viewport frame lastly set your viewport frame camera to the camera you copied if this doesn’t make sense then watch a YouTube video because you can see how it is done.