Need helping making hover GUI

Hi all, I’m trying to make a 3d GUI appear over a part when the mouse is hovered over said part,
I’ve found this

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local MouseGui = script.Parent.AppearMouseUI

RunService.RenderStepped:Connect (function()
	if Mouse.Target and Mouse.Target.Name == "HoverPart" then
	if Mouse.Target.Name == 'HoverPart' then 
		MouseGui.Visible = true
		local X = Mouse.X
		local Y = Mouse.Y
		MouseGui.Position =,X,0,Y)
		MouseGui.Visible = false

However, I don’t have much scripting experience and don’t know where I put it and what I need to do to get it to work. All I’ve done so far is put it into a LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts, created a brick called ‘HoverPart’, and created a ScreenGui called ‘AppearMouseUI’.
If you could also help me simplify the process of making this script work for multiple parts with different GUI’s for each, that’d be great.


According to the script you provided, any part named as “HoverPart” will show this same effect.

Ok but where do I put the script? does it have to be a specific UI? More info please.

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From the looks of that script, it would be in a ScreenGui, in StarterGui, as a LocalScript.
There would be a UI Frame called “AppearMouseUI” that isnt visible by default.

alright so use and just position it when you hover should in theory look something like this

belongs in the ui you want to position (localscript)

local UI = -- Path to ui
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
	if Mouse.Target and Mouse.Target.Name == "HoverPart" then
		local worldPoint = Mouse.Target.Position
		local vector, inViewport = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(worldPoint)
		UI.Position =,vector.X,0,vector.Y)
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