Need honest evaluation on my game!

Hey there!

I currently have a game out that is a simple find the game, but I would really appreciate your opinion on it. I’ve worked alone on this game for quite some time, so I could really use your honest evaluation.

  • Any suggestions on what I should change, such as including a new map?

  • Do I need to add more plushies? Are the plushies too difficult to locate?

  • Should I set out on a quest to track down the plushies?

  • An interesting game name?

Literally anything that comes to your mind would be appreciated!

Find The Cute Plushies

Some of the GUI’s don’t look great, like for example the coins, music, ?, and shop buttons are off-centre. Also the music, plushie, and shop GUIs’ colour schemes don’t work well together. (you can also open all of them at the same time) / The GUI that appears when you find a plushie doesn’t have a background so it’s hard to read. The map is way too bright (maybe voxel lighting and shadows with street lights would look better)

I was a bit confused on where to go when I first loaded in because there wasn’t any indication that the map you’re spawned in on has the plushies you’re looking for. There was also no music (maybe some light jazz would work well? Or even better different music for different areas of the map).

The plushies don’t disappear from the map on my screen when I collect them and there are a bunch so I have no idea which ones I already collected or need to collect. The plushies kind of just sit around too, I think it would be better if they all had their own unique animations.

In my personal opinion, the game is not very fun to play and very repetitive. It would definitely be 1000x better if you did what past egg hunts did with npcs, quests, and goals with different maps rather than just walking around and collecting objects.

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Thank you, I truly appreciate it! I agree that the game is a bit uninteresting and repetitive, honestly I consider it more as a learning experience than anything else, and the feedback will certainly help.

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The game looks like a great start and I think the map looks great but here are a few changes that I would make:

  • Improve ui - It’s a good start but a more colorful UI design with brighter or more saturated colors with more images could work better. (Also sound effects if you don’t have them but I’m not sure if you do as my audio is currently not working on my device.)

  • Clearer to see/effects for plushies - to make the plushies easier to see I would personally add an outline or glow effect using a particle emitter or a highlight to plsuhies to make them stand out as shown below. This could be useful for younger players as it may make the game slightly easier.

  • Adjusted lighting - I think some elements of the game feel too bright so I would make it less bright but it’s your choice as it can work in some styles and I’m not an expert in lighting or visuals.

Overall, it does seem like a great start to a game and I think it could do well if advertised correctly to the correct audience!

Good luck on your development journey :slight_smile:

Side note:
I was awarded the halloween badge despite playing after Christmas so you may have to fix that.

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Thank you! Will definitely implement these changes. (Fixed Halloween badge)

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I like the map,lighting is a bit too bright at times.
Also if possible, maybe change the sun, it gets wayy too bright during dawn

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