Need Ideas And Feedback For A Juggernaut Game

I’ve been working on a game called “Tankier” and I need people to test and just in general give me opinions on the game.
Keep in mind the game is in alpha

Thanks for playing!

(14) Tankier [ALPHA] - Roblox

Please do not dislike since it is not finished.

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I still need reviews bruh please join

#1 the UI is not bad but not good at the same time

#2 The lobby has some sort of realism to it and that doesnt really fit the game type.

#3 You need more than one player to start, that will cause people to leave as theres nothing to do and no one to play with!


#4 No custom leaderboard this is optional but it does make the game look way more clean!


#5 The lobby is extremely plain and boring