Need ideas for a health bar that matches game theme

Currently, my game uses health bar that is very much inspired from Evade, however I don’t wanna be accused of stealing assets which is why I wanna redesign it, but I need ideas since I can’t come up with anything, the game’s theme is randomizer with actual random mechanics and references heavily based off games like, Minecraft, Smash Bros, the Mario Series and some VALVe games.
I was thinking off using the health system from Kingdom Hearts, but the circle mechanic is kind off impossible.
Currently this is what my current health bar looks like:
It is pure recreation

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Maybe you could do something like this :grin:



Actually you could make it using UI gradients

I tried to use Rotation but it just flips around.

Yeah its really complicated you’ll probably need multiple images for the bar, then change their individual UIGradients transparency setting + rotation to get the right effect.

It is really complicated though lol

Managed to recreate this!


this part of proximity prompt’s code may help

local function setUpCircularProgressBar(bar)
	local leftGradient = bar.LeftGradient.ProgressBarImage.UIGradient
	local rightGradient = bar.RightGradient.ProgressBarImage.UIGradient

	local progress = bar.Progress
		local angle = math.clamp(value * 360, 0, 360)
		leftGradient.Rotation = math.clamp(angle, 180, 360)
		rightGradient.Rotation = math.clamp(angle, 0, 180)

btw progress needs to be a number between 0 and 1

you can use this as a template (no code)
CircularHealthBar.rbxm (10.7 KB)

2 images is enough (both can be the same image)