Need Ideas for a RNG, Simulator Game

Hey everyone!
I’m trying to make a game which could become successful and grow me a small community of players. So far, I’m thinking of creating a RNG/Simulator game however I don’t know what the game will be based around.

I was thinking you guys could help me with coming up with a good idea for what the game shall be based on. I’ll be looking at your comments.

Thank you all!

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Greek god rng, as its a polytheistic religion and it also contains a lot of smaller gods. For example every river has a god, every emotion, every wind, everything.
Im currently studying greek and latin, so if you continue with this idea I’d be willing to help you.


Wow, I’ve never thought of this. I’ll definitely consider this idea in my RNG Game.

There are so many RNG games, too much competition.

Make a unique game man.

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I thought of this idea but didn’t feel like making it, so it’s all yours. You face random userids like player rng, but based on who they are, they have powers, like brickbattle r tools if an old acc, or a lot of weak enemies, if a bacon. You fight 10 at a time, and if you win, you can pick one userid to harvest and gain that load out.

edit: nvm imma make this, feel free to spin off tho ig

This is a great idea not even gonna lie. Sir, you are a certified genius.

OP if you do make this, then you could also include the roman variations of the greek gods

Chemical RNG, roll for different chemicals (includes individual elements and compounds) with a short description about what it does (or most popular/well known usage)

The RNG RNG, an RNG game for collectibles as RNG game itself present on Roblox, For eg: Sol’s RNG chance: 1 in a trillion, something like that, So you gotta RNG the RNG