So I build realistic games in ROBLOX and build realistic models how ever I need to be able to script this so players can move around let me get to the point of what it is I am talking about I made a self serve car wash dryer but I need it work and the hose to work but don’t want to have make it out of a normal rope as it defeat the propose of what I am going for if any of you know what I can do please let me or if you need a better explanation of this tell me RobloxScreenShot20201019_204141827|690x365
You could make the rope out of a bunch of small segments and use rope constraints between the segments I think. You should make the segments 0.125, 0.125, 0.125 or what ever size your current hose is, but the segments should be “cubic” so to speak. Have the motord6 or rope constraint inside each segment so they clip.
You can do some light scripting on the carwash itself so it plays an animation when activated and the conveyor belt under the car activates. It just needs to read for an event then play the animation and set the horizontal speed of the conveyor. and there are probably lots of tutorials out there for it.