Need some constructive criticism on my first game

Y’all mind giving any opinions on my game here? When I finish this here I’ll work on something else in the future. I’m currently still polishing it up but leave a like if you enjoyed. Lemme know if I should add some stages, fix some bugs and etc. Also I’m here to learn from the feedback, so if you have any constructive criticism I’ll listen and take it on the chin! :sunglasses: :100: Also read the description of the game!


Okay since you asked for it I will do some playing and think of all the things that are potential areas to improve.

First off I wanna say I like the look of the game. It feels simple but not too simple. I really like the skybox gradients. The colors are easy on the eyes and gameplay feel good with it.

So one thing I don’t prefer with obbies is being respawned with the camera facing a direction different to where you’re supposed to go. This happens kind of inconsistently:

It seems the camera always faces the same direction no matter the checkpoint.

I like the stage progress bar. It adds some anticipation for how much longer the obby is.

It would be nice to have some visual effect along with the sound effect to indicate a checkpoint being captured.


I love it! Great job all the way around. It’s just too bad I’m seem to be terrible at obbys :frowning:

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Mane I appreciate the feedback, I’ve been wondering for so long “how do i fix the player facing the wrong direction?” Some people told me to add a spawnpoint that faces the correct way on every stage, but when i tried that it stopped working around stage 20. Also Ima get on youtube right now to see how to add a little confetti effect for when the player reaches the next checkpoint! Thank you for the idea and once again I appreciate you checking out my game! :sunglasses: :love_you_gesture:


Yo Jay I appreciate the feedback gang, and I might be a complete random on here but I believe in you. **


By the way I’m about to talk alot! :rofl:

**On my first day making the obby I started from the free, built-in obby template and added a whole random free model 1000 stage obby in the game thinking nobody would notice. There were SO many viruses and bugs in it that I just deleted the whole game file and started all over from a baseplate. I only cared about the money at first and everybody, including my friends, was roasting my ass when I had that greedy mindset! But as soon as I didnt want the money anymore and started building my own parts from scratch people were donating thousands to my donation board, buying my gravity/speed coils and gamepasses over and over again and sharing my game with their homies. Honestly mane the way I look at it, if I can do it anybody can. :sunglasses: :+1:



Also I don’t know about everybody else on here, but I enjoy being a solo dev. It just eliminates all the BS for me! Last year I asked an old friend to help me make a checkpoint system, and while we were working on it he was being passive-aggressive and was rushing me even though I was new. So what I did was block him, scrapped the ENTIRE game and started over again. Another thing I noticed is that even though my game isnt successful yet, ever since I’ve been making a nice amount of robux from it people I let go in the past are constantly joining my roblox group and playing my game, sending me 1000+ robux gifts in pls donate and just stalking my profile to get my attention. This is for anybody to read btw but if you want to eliminate all the BS from the jump street just be a solo dev. :sunglasses: :100:

Well you’re doing better than me … and I never cared about the money. Put out a game that took me a year to complete and never really seen anyone play it.

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Same I get like 10 players a week but thats because I stopped advertising since I don’t trust the new system! Ima go on your profile and check your game out right now, but don’t look down on yourself gang! I was giving up around the time I was making my first 50 stages and I got motivated by talking to bigger devs and keepin my head in the game! I use a laggy windows 10 laptop thats like 8 years old and I still put out a decent game in my eyes! Like I said though ima check out your profile as soon as I send this message. Have a good night! :sunglasses: :+1:

Actually I have 4 almost 5 other games done and one hub that connects them all. Been at this a few years+ now. I just really love to program and really like how Roblox is put together. Not looking down on myself or anything. My programs are really good. But I am a bit of a perfectionist so I tend to be my own worst enemy when it comes to saying I’m done … Have a good night.


Added checkpoint particles and made em all face the correct way if you wanna try my game out again one day! :sunglasses:


Hey that’s great! Sounds good.

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