Hello I just test your game.
I think you can change some things
In my opinion I don’t like thiss text, I would change it for this instade
Change it to this or any other thing, just be similar to the menu
![Captura de pantalla 2023-11-22 192955](/secure-uploads/uploads/original/5X/3/2/2/c/322cd5f20bb61353bc13a496ffbc4e7bdd43eb6d.png)
Just delete the black frame, and I don’t know if the seven do something, if not, delete it too. Just to be similar to the health counter
I used the Bold Rubik font
Make an animation, also use the font I told you
![Captura de pantalla 2023-11-22 193031](/secure-uploads/uploads/original/5X/1/9/1/4/1914a601b79647f6160e5435c595a66ef2575717.png)
I don’t think is necesary, just let stay the gamemode and the wave number, also put it on the top like this
There is a bug. When you click for example Tutorial, its shows it frame, but when you hover any other button it is bug
Hope it helps