Need some feedback on dvn fanmade game


Yesterday i’ve released an update for my fanmade game including bug fixes and changes to ui, there was another unchanged things but fixed today along with wave and NPC clearing bugs

For those who don’t know, this was a game that predicted a sequel of original game “Dummies vs Noobs” (its a wave based game) this wasn’t made as improvement to the main original game, just a game i recreate in my own version incase original one got closed.

If there’s something i need to add/adjust, lemme know, any feedback is welcome

Didn’t have any QA testers since there’s no budget for this game so i decide to put it here, though ive posted this already but it didn’t get much

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Hello I just test your game.
I think you can change some things



In my opinion I don’t like thiss text, I would change it for this instade


Change it to this or any other thing, just be similar to the menu

Captura de pantalla 2023-11-22 192955
Just delete the black frame, and I don’t know if the seven do something, if not, delete it too. Just to be similar to the health counter

I used the Bold Rubik font


Make an animation, also use the font I told you


Captura de pantalla 2023-11-22 193031
I don’t think is necesary, just let stay the gamemode and the wave number, also put it on the top like this


There is a bug. When you click for example Tutorial, its shows it frame, but when you hover any other button it is bug

Hope it helps

appreciated with the feedback

wow yeah the design is nice but the reason i picked this font was because it was meant to be used with grunge frame (didn’t import that into the game) but this would be a good replacement.

The gray seven text determines how much ammo it carries in one mag, and for design on ammo gui i wasn’t sure what to use either but im hoping to change that too

at the same time for black frame, i’ll remove it since there’s already a stroke on text

Can’t do this since it’ll ended up covering the boss health GUI, also this was meant to be a debug info like in the original game so hence why i made it here but it’ll change later to have common infos like region

forgot this bug existed, silly me, will find a way to stop buttons from firing outside.