Hey DevForum, my group and I have been working on a tycoon game recently and we would like feedback on it. A thread of both positive and negative feedback would be amazing, but any feedback will be greatly appreciated!
The icon doesn’t have a lot of contrast which makes it hard to discern the details
The thumbnail has an overload of text. Requiring people to strain their eyes to read is not a good first impression. Better to show with pictures than explain with words, where possible. The space background looks like a galaxy picture put through a filter. A high resolution space background would give a better impression. I don’t like white outlines around text and images, but that may just be me.
I am not a fan of the music, and it seems too loud to me. A mute button would be appreciated.
Menus are good (except the logo)
Ceiling height feels cramped
Buying small pieces of tubes is not visually interesting and doesn’t reflect well on the game. Maybe there’s something genuinely great here, but how many hundreds (exaggeration) of tubes will I have to buy before I ‘get to the good part’?
Showing which buttons you can afford is a smart design. Though, I think the red could be toned down. Maybe it’s just me, but neon red is irritating to my eyes if I stare at it for too long.
I got bored and left before finishing the game. For the reasons above it didn’t hold my interest.
Thanks for this thread, it is greatly appreciated, we will take all of these points into consideration and improve our game, some of these points are coming in the next update such as a mute button so hopefully it will be more enjoyable then, thank u once again.