Need some feedback

I’m getting back into gfx as i haven’t made any for over half a year and i wanted to know peoples opinions and see what i can improve


I assume the room is just a picture and is not actually inside Roblox, because Roblox shadows are not so good. If so, I like that you added shadows to Character’s hands to make it more realistic, and it looks like you did some color adjustments to, so that it merges with the picture. Overall good, but depends for what you made this. As a game icon it’s not that good, because it won’t grab attention, on small scale it will be hard to gather what’s going on, as there are many details, and there is no main focus points on the picture, which you need if you want to achieve the first point (grab attention)

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this wasnt made in roblox and was made in blender, the room is an actual 3D room, i didnt make it for a game icon or anything like that i just made it for self improvement

Was the whole room made by you too? The room itself looks amazing.

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Haha i wish i had those skills, i got it off blendswap

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That LEG

Jk its really good, what did you use to make it?

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I used blender and blendswap to get the room model, imported textures from roblox studio and finally rendered in cycles

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