Need Some Game Ideas (Yes, I Still Need Help)

One question, how complicated can this game be? Are you gonna hire advanced scripters?

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Sorry for the wait ;-;

No, the idea was to make a game so I can practice scripting, and become better at it, but I also did want to create something that would entertain people

Thank you, but I don’t have discord and don’t really plan to get it for a while

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Spleef is also a great game to make for practice.

edit: but yes I totally agree with this. making something beyond your skill level can cause serious burnout about developing in general.

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I understand that my game will most likely fail, but my goal isn’t to make a game and get views, it’s to test my game-making skills. And you’re right, development is not simple, but I’d like to get a good idea of what I can do, and what I need to improve on.
(And it’s ok, I understand you’re trying to help)

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This is a guide. Hopefully it’ll help. Good luck!

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This does work for editing ideas, (at least for me it does) but most of the time the problem is originality. Like I said before, I can’t be 100% original, but a lot of the time when I get hooked on a game and have fun playing it, I want to take inspiration off of it, but I can’t seem to add my own ideas to make it original.

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For great ideas, play Deltarune.
Storyline is amazing and it really is a great inspiration.

I’ve played it actually, and although it was really cool, I didn’t get any great ideas :pensive:

(Chapter 2 came out like a week ago, pretty cool so far! :smiley:)

Idea simulator.

generic simulator but with ideas :coefficients:



How would that work though? Is it like a clicking game?

I really don’t know, I just got the name. It could be something like people having to steal others ideas ( idea as a game item ) and getting ideas ( as game item, again) to win.

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Ah. So there’s Get Ideas Simulator and then there’s Copyright: The Game

For some unexplainable reason, this is one of the few posts that actually gave me an idea my brain could work with.
(Edited to be nicer, so sorry to anyone who found the previous one offensive)

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bruh have you never seen them before???

I’m sorry, I don’t think I have. Can you explain? Please be patient with me. :sweat_smile:

Just search in roblox: “afk until someone donates”. You will find games like this:

It’s basically begging to everyone to donate you bobux.

ok, so does going afk mean stopping the development

30chaaaaaaaaaaaaaar limiiiiiiiiiiiiit


I don’t really think putting one up will really do anything, as I’ve never really had a game with players, and I think there are better ways to earn Robux (Doing commissions and other stuff)

But if going AFK doesn’t mean stopping development, what does it mean?

How did you even get a character limit? Why is Roblox not letting me say the number of the character limit???

Afk means “Away From Keyboard”. Basically not doing anything in game.

And you don’t go afk, it’s just clickbait.

You need atleast 30 chaaars to post something in the forum and I don’t know too why I can’t write it correctly.

We’re going off topic oof.