Hi there, I’ve made this little command script that bans and unbans players from my game, and I was wondering how I could incorporate a feature that includes the reason for the ban in the script? It’s a chat command based thing.
It should work like this:
/ban Player1 toxicity
Here’s the script below for reference. Thanks!
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local BannedDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Makeuparandomkeylike123567890")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Admins = {"RuffianLewis"}
function FindPlayers(String)
local FoundPlayers = {}
for _, CurrentPlayer in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
if string.match(String, string.lower(CurrentPlayer.Name)) then
table.insert(FoundPlayers, CurrentPlayer)
return FoundPlayers
local Data = BannedDataStore:GetAsync(CurrentPlayer.UserId)
Data[1] = IsBanned
Data[2] = PlayerWhoBanned
Data[3] = Reason
if Data then
if Data[1] == true then
CurrentPlayer:Kick("You have been banned by an admin")
for _, Admin in pairs(Admins) do
if CurrentPlayer.Name == Admin then
if string.sub(string.lower(Message), 1, 4) == "/ban" then
local Player = string.sub(string.lower(Message), 6, #Message + 6)
local PlayersTable = FindPlayers(Player)
if #PlayersTable == 1 then
BannedDataStore:SetAsync(PlayersTable[1].UserId, {true, CurrentPlayer.Name})
PlayersTable[1]:Kick(string.format("You have been banned by %s", CurrentPlayer.Name))
elseif #PlayersTable == 2 then
print(string.format("There are more than one player named %s", Player))
print(string.format("Nobody in the server is named %s", Player))
elseif string.sub(string.lower(Message), 1, 6) == "/unban" then
local Player = string.sub(string.lower(Message), 8, #Message + 8)
local FindPlayer = Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(Player)
if FindPlayer then
BannedDataStore:SetAsync(FindPlayer, {false, nil})
I see. Looking at my script however, how exactly do I add this in? Currently the script is configured with just /ban player and not /ban player reason, so I just want to make sure on how to implement this in properly without the whole thing breaking.
So you are able to figure out if the message starts with /ban, then you can split the entire message into a list of words (“/ban manky94 for this reason” would become {“/ban”, “manky94”, “for”, “this”, “reason”}, and say list[2] is the player, list[3 - list length] is the reason
This code splits the string and reconcatenates the reason:
local s = "/ban manky94 for this reason"
-- split string into list of words
words = {}
for word in s:gmatch("%w+") do table.insert(words, word) end
local player = words[2] -- get second index of string, which is the player
local reason = ""
-- concat reason, may be better ways to do this
for i=3, #words do
reason = reason .. words[i] .. " "
And the output (which I have stored as variables) is:
Thanks for trying to help. However, I just wanted to know how I can add a third string into the chat command and store it, so the ban script can get it later to display in the ban message.
I’ve made an attempt to incorporate a reason string, and this is part of the code. However, it still bans the player but doesn’t provide the reason in the ban message. Can I have some help with this, please?
for _, Admin in pairs(Admins) do
if CurrentPlayer.Name == Admin then
if string.sub(string.lower(Message), 1, 4) == "/ban" then
local Player = string.sub(string.lower(Message), 6, #Message + 6)
local Reason = string.sub(string.lower(Message), 8, #Message + 8)
local PlayersTable = FindPlayers(Player)
if #PlayersTable == 1 then
WhackedDataStore:SetAsync(PlayersTable[1].UserId, {true, CurrentPlayer.Name})
PlayersTable[1]:Kick(string.format("You have been banned!", CurrentPlayer.Name, Reason))
elseif #PlayersTable == 2 then
print(string.format("There are more than one player named %s", Player))
print(string.format("Nobody in the server is named %s", Player))
elseif string.sub(string.lower(Message), 1, 6) == "/unban" then
local Player = string.sub(string.lower(Message), 8, #Message + 8)
local FindPlayer = Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(Player)
if FindPlayer then
BanDataStore:SetAsync(FindPlayer, {false, nil})
local MessageSections = string.split(string.lower(Message),’ ‘)
local Player = MessageSections[2]
for i = 3, #MessageSections do
MessageSections[3] = MessageSections[3]..’ ‘..MessageSections[i]
local Reason = MessageSections[3]
We have to use string.split to find each word seperated by spaces, and we already know that the first word will be ‘/ban’, the second being the player’s username (as they can’t have spaces) and the third onwards being the reason.
Hope it helps. Tell me if there’s any more problems.