you should readjust the text labels so that they fit with extra space inside of their frames
theres also stuff like the C$ and U$ that are almost overlapping with the circle border
the background of the pet UI and upgrade shop probably shouldnt be white, and the background colors of their open/close buttons should be more muted and those imagelabels inside them should also be smaller (same problem as text)
in the pet UI the textlabel that says Name is right up against the viewport square with no spacing, but has even spacing between the other textlabels which makes it really out of place
if you want it make it more unique beyond that point then you probably need to change the style away from generic simulator games
something I did for my game is that i put them inside surfaceguis so i can make neon UIs which look really unique
I don’t know how to make background patterns though I know how I would put them on the Ui but not how to make the actual pattern. And there is not YouTube tutorials that I’ve found…
it’s too far, I would move multipliers and name closer to the image, because without that change it looks like the name and multiplier doesn’t belong to the pet.
Atleast that’s how I see, the final opinion is yours as always!
This UI looks great! I don’t think it’s too bland, you should make it larger though so it’s more visible. Nice job on it! How long did it take to make this UI?