Need some help with Ui

the ui in my game is looking very… bland i guess you could say?

i have no idea what to do to make my ui better, ive looked at other games with similar Ui, but that did not help.

so please give me suggestions on what to do with it

Screenshot 2025-03-01 173101

tell me whatever you think i should add please!

(also let me know if you need better images)

i think its mainly colors and bad spacing

you should readjust the text labels so that they fit with extra space inside of their frames
theres also stuff like the C$ and U$ that are almost overlapping with the circle border

the background of the pet UI and upgrade shop probably shouldnt be white, and the background colors of their open/close buttons should be more muted and those imagelabels inside them should also be smaller (same problem as text)

in the pet UI the textlabel that says Name is right up against the viewport square with no spacing, but has even spacing between the other textlabels which makes it really out of place

if you want it make it more unique beyond that point then you probably need to change the style away from generic simulator games

something I did for my game is that i put them inside surfaceguis so i can make neon UIs which look really unique


i dont have time to read this full post right now but i will get back to you tomorrow.

thank u for feedback!

quick, simple answer.

add patterns to your backgrounds.

also your side button’s icons are lookin’ a little cramped. make those images smaller. same goes for the text (C$ and U$)

there is some other stuff but these are my main concerns!

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I don’t know how to make background patterns though :sob:I know how I would put them on the Ui but not how to make the actual pattern. And there is not YouTube tutorials that I’ve found…

correct me if something is wrong,
but you insert an imagelabel

insert a UIAspectRatio (unless it looks good stretched for some reason)

change the scaleType to Tile

change the size to basically anything, it just needs to use scale

that imagelabel can be anything (a dot, line, whatever)

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No like i know how to do this, but not how to make the pattern, or where i can find one.

i found a Ui plugin with gradients and patterns for free! i think the ui looks better but you tell me please

Screenshot 2025-03-02 073230

should i make the pattern more transparent?

thanks for the suggestions btw!!!

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These dots need to be more transparent if they don’t have any functionality, the overall UI looks great!

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What exactly do you mean by this?

i fixed this just now!

i dont even know how i would do this…

most the Ui that ive ever made and seen was simulator style, so something different might be really hard.

Thanks for all the feedback!

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Oh, and maybe make the pet frame (with name, multiplier and etc.) a bit smaller, because this spacing between text is no good

i think i fixed the spacing, but i don’t know, because i didn’t really see the problem with it in the first place :cry: i might be blind though XD

Screenshot 2025-03-02 073810

edit: do you mean the spacing is uneven? or is it just too far apart?

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it’s too far, I would move multipliers and name closer to the image, because without that change it looks like the name and multiplier doesn’t belong to the pet.

Atleast that’s how I see, the final opinion is yours as always! :blush:

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How does it look now?

edit: oops forgot to re enable the dots on the info side :laughing:

Maybe move “Multipliers” a bit up, I think that’s gonna work the best!

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set all the image scale type to fit instead of stretch

and then make the textlabels inside of the C$ and U$ slightly shorter in height so they fit with extra space inside the border


ok i did this, and the open pets button looks alot better.

do you mean like this?

Screenshot 2025-03-02 080558

This UI looks great! I don’t think it’s too bland, you should make it larger though so it’s more visible. Nice job on it! How long did it take to make this UI?

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Thanks for telling me this!

All of the UI in this game probably took around 2-3 hours