Need some help with understanding part of Roblox character control script

Hello, I want make good movement system for my game. But when I looked into roblox scripts… They are just one giant mess for me…

But I took time and read everything I need, and got question. I’ll be happy if someone will be able to answer it:

What Enum.PlayerActions are? They are WASD keys for QWERTY keyboards and ZQSD for AZERTY keyboards? or what…

		self.CONTROL_ACTION_PRIORITY, Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterForward)
	ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority("moveBackwardAction", handleMoveBackward, false,
		self.CONTROL_ACTION_PRIORITY, Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterBackward)
	ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority("moveLeftAction", handleMoveLeft, false,
		self.CONTROL_ACTION_PRIORITY, Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterLeft)
	ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority("moveRightAction", handleMoveRight, false,
		self.CONTROL_ACTION_PRIORITY, Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterRight)
	ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority("jumpAction", handleJumpAction, false,
		self.CONTROL_ACTION_PRIORITY, Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterJump)
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Enum.PlayerActions is a part of Roblox’s UserInputService, and it’s used to represent default player actions related to character movement and interactions. It’s important to note that these actions aren’t linked to specific keyboard layouts like QWERTY or AZERTY but rather serve as standardized actions for various keyboard configurations.

Here’s a breakdown of some key Enum.PlayerActions commonly used for character movement:

  • Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterForward: This action corresponds to moving the character forward and is often associated with keys like “W” (QWERTY) or “Z” (AZERTY).
  • Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterBackward: This action represents moving the character backward and is typically triggered by the “S” key on both QWERTY and AZERTY keyboards.
  • Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterLeft: This action is for character movement to the left and is commonly linked to the “A” key on both QWERTY and AZERTY keyboards.
  • Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterRight: This action is for character movement to the right and is usually associated with the “D” key on both QWERTY and AZERTY keyboards.
  • Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterJump: This action corresponds to the character’s jump action and is typically triggered by the spacebar key.

By using these default Enum.PlayerActions in your scripts, you can ensure that your game’s character movement works smoothly for players regardless of their keyboard layout. However, it’s essential to consider additional input customization options for players with non-standard keyboard layouts or personal preferences.

I hope this explanation helps clarify how Enum.PlayerActions can be used for character movement in Roblox. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

Best regards, Xeth