Need some ideas for a lobby - I can't think of anything

Hello Devforums. I wanted to do a small project to practice my skills and maybe get some funds to support larger endeavors.

I knew I wanted the lobby to be on a floating island. So I made one. I built a tree, a sign, and a path to get some ideas going. But I literally can’t think of anything.

What are some good ideas of what to put here? Thanks.

The really bad center/path isn’t final, it was just to get my brain going. Also, this game is gonna be an obby (not a low effort one, an actually high quality obby)


Considering that it’s a lobby, you should put something that’ll keep players entertained while waiting. Some things to think about:

  • Background music
  • A shop
  • Small obby
  • NPCs (for short quests or help)

Also, I think the center looks a bit too plain. Try adding a statue or fountain where the paths meet. [Make sure to maintain your theme of low-poly, or whatever it may be.]

The smaller floating island could possibly have a global leaderboard. Players can check it every now and then to see their progress.

Speaking of which, I think the smaller island is a great addition to the map. You should add at least one more - maybe with something else other than a global leaderboard.

That’s all I can think of for right now. If I do get more ideas, I’ll let you know. So far, great map by the way! I hope some of my ideas are of use. :happy2:


Thanks! I’ll definitely consider it. But do you have any ideas for filling in the island? (Structures, terrain, etc)

Since it’s a floating low-poly island, there shouldn’t be a physical border. Unless, of course, you make the border look something like it does in the lobby of Murder Mystery 2.

As for terrain, I’d say maybe add more trees (don’t overload it though), and some bushes. Depending on what you decide to do with the centerpiece, a few rocks/pebbles would be suitable as well.

The main island kind of reminds me of a park, so maybe add a few benches here and there?

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You just gave me an amazing idea. Thank you!

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There are many ideas you could implement to your lobby. Having something to do, shops, variety of trees, buildings surrounding the area with a proper layout something along those lines. You could just add small props try to not overdo the map, this does depend on what game you are trying to make since it’s a floating island add small objects so it doesn’t clutter the terrain.

Adding things like leaderboards, shops, buildings, something that they could interact with each other meaning other players or friends small parkours in the lobby allow players to explore the map don’t have a small area expand it so that players won’t be bored in any kind of way.

If your just looking into filing the “terrain” small amount of items just try to not overdo the details benches, rocky paths, and more otherwise it’s still a early in development project.

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Here’s an update if you’re interested! I’m gonna go for a park feel.

Looks much better, maybe add a fountain in the middle.