Need some ideas for this blender model

I am trying to make this model for a bunker door sorta like in fallout, but I don’t know exactly what else I should add and it looks very bland right now.

I mainly just need some ideas to make it look a bit more rugged or just detailed in general, but I am also trying to keep it relatively low poly so nothing too crazy.

  1. Pillars
  2. Wall Trimming
  3. Some wires running in the walls (or pipes)

Ok thanks, I will try these out

You can make the Hinges/Rails that the door will move on.
And you can add a little panel to open the door, can be like a screen or smthng
You can add gear(s) on the door like in fallout OR use them as a mechanism(Like, make the mechanism then show a part of it. It may look good, it did in my head.

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I’ve actually been working on it for a while and I think I have added most of these already, but thank you for the suggestions, I might add the rails, but i’m basically done with it right now.

Use google, find sci-fi or bunker door concept arts or pictures from existing games. Websites like art station are really good for finding these sorts of designs.

Should probably make a new topic but figured I try and use this one first
I was wondering if anybody had an idea of how I could fit some sort of airlock into this tiny space with a similar door to the main one


Make a glass tube, add onether door. So you wont need to change the room + the places up there (left and right) will look like watching platforma for the airlocs bc you can see the inside. Be careful about the tune’s shape btw, it needs to exactly be the door’s shape(or, instead of tilting bottom wallt, make them a single wall.
Such as this:

And if you want to, go ahead with the same shape as the door’s with the airlock. Wish i could tell what i mean. That was maximum i could do while waiting the bus

Wish you make a creation that satisfies you with the result.