Need someone else's Opinion

Thank you, Took me a little while to get right

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Well you definitely did a great job


Well for starters, neon lights were not used way back then.

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Neon lights were probably most prominent in that era?

NY during the 50s?


100% my fault mate :pray::sob:

I thought I did something


No worries, To be honest I didn’t know until I checked :joy:


I’ve been doing some research on the era, and it looks like you may need to redesign the interior and make the bar more of a focal point. Jazz/nightclubs back then were quite lavish as well.

Your current theme is very industrial, which is a much older theme that was popular in the 18th and 19th centuries.

I checked your profile out, and it looks like your older build matches the theme quite well.

I liked the wood-themed interiors in this article.

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I’m currently basing some of the design aspects off of a real modern day jazz club, while trying to implement designs from the 50s into the build, I’m hoping to have it look out onto a street which will have more vintage cars, Hopefully that will help set the theme a little more.

I’m also trying to incorporate more gold within the club.

I’ll take a look at that article now

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Little update, Haven’t done too much

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This looks really good and it does give a 1940s-50s vibe. You could try adding a shelf near the bar with many bottles on it. Also, maybe you could consider adding some hanging lights from the ceiling near the bar, like this:
Good work though!

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Tried it out, Going to add some shelves with bottles in the back ( added )

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I feel like it looks much better haha!

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Definetly, Thanks for the suggestion

see what you really need is one of these

I have thought about it, BUT

It is meant to be a Live Jazz Bar in the 50s,

So wouldn’t putting a stereo in sort of remove that concept?

yeaaaaaaaaah I guess but supose you dont have a band constantly preforming? like before the band plays… also its just for :sparkles: aesthetic :sparkles: to yaknow make it feel like its time period for those who don’t look to deep into why its there.

but i see why you wouldnt~

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Ya know what, I’m going to go with your idea

Got a different plan for the game and a stereo would definetly help the vibe

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I’m going to end this thread here, but thank you everyone for the help.

Once the games released I will send out a post, If you stumble upon it come say Hey!

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