Hey, so I’ve started this hotel for fun. And I am kind of stuck on what to add to the exterior part (the front)
What is looks like so far:
Well I would add a pool and poolside grill then also maybe a park with grass and benches as well as some lights and trashcans.
Is it just me or is there a floating floor on the side? Is that intentional?
Nice build!
That’s intentional. Just for a template.
There’s not a whole lot to suggest for the current build of the hotel, as its just the same floor seemingly copy-pasted over and over again, resulting in a homogeneous look. I’d recommend looking up examples of hotels with varying elements to their architecture; It’ll allow you to gain inspiration and have a more interesting composition to your build.
This looks pretty good but I’d suggest making it a little more vibrant, as it looks kind of dull. You should also add some decorations like shrubbery and maybe a bench.
Really nice build
I’d suggest adding a fountain and little differenley shaped bushes or trees of some sort
There isn’t much to go on.
You’ve copied and pasted windows and copied and pasted the same floor six times. I don’t see any interesting or unique features for your hotel and neither have you mentioned that you want any. If you want to add something onto the exterior, redo the exterior; something that isn’t interesting won’t – and can’t – be cared about, and therefore isn’t worth building.
Look at inspiration on Google for hotels of great architecture. Some examples come to mind from various different genres, varying from the Ritz London to any Spanish seaside resort. The sky’s the limit in Roblox.
If you look at most hotels, they’ll have awnings/overhangs in front of the door for the vehicles to park under while they unload their luggage. This could be a detail to add.
I think you should add some exterior details, such as trees, rocks, plants, bushes, etc. Your build looks pretty good so far!
You can add a pool, outside cafe, vegetation, water fountains, etc.
For the hotel, you can possibly add: Balconies w/chairs and even
plants, add more light, etc.
Door/windows could be more detailed and maybe add landscaping to the front. The white outline doesn’t look that great either.
You need a lot of landscaping. Add a pool, parking lot, sidewalk, trees, curtains for the windows, streetlights and so much more. Add design to the building so it isnt so copy and paste. Add a grand entrance. Make it so people are WOWed when they join the game and walk into the hotel.
Maybe you could add a pool and a restaurant behind, and make the hotel bigger!
The hotel looks pretty good but I do have some suggestions
(1) You should add little Bush’s and tree.
(2) you should change the door to a glass door like a real hotel looks like.
(3)you should add parking lots for the hotel as well.
Other wise it looks great.
Hope this help.
The hotel you have made looks, really good like how you took peoples, suggestions to improve it a lot more. I think it looks really good however there is a. Couple things to fix on your hotel to look more decent and more better!!
The entrance area has more details to it! as you can see below the entrance area needs parking lots, bushes, fountains, bushes, trees, potted plants, ect. To look more better as most hotels have that you should make the front area. More bigger and wider to give it more space and a sidewalk! so people can enter the hotel, as looking at your hotel the entrance. It’s quite small and doesn’t have any details added to it as in example below you could. See the exterior has details parts to the entrance area and stone awnings, around the door area!!
Also you should have, double doors to the hotel. And have a road for people to check in to the hotel.
The windows you have it looks, like you copied and pasted them on the whole building. There should be different types of windows! and taller windows and dividers to give it more details and add some windows! on the side part to look more better. As you can see above hotels has higher windows and different details, added to it this could give you a idea, on how to make your windows…
I would add different elements to your hotel instead of copying the floor part. You could add different textures to your hotel to look a lot, more better i don’t know what kind of design, your going for. But as the image i provided above you will see that the hotel! has a stone light brown material on it you could always. Add some lights the name of the hotel to look more. Decent and make it more wider to give the hotel more space for people to park at. And then you could add the other decorations, to it such as a pool, chairs, umbrella, patio chairs, ect. In the back of it!!
Overall you have done a incredible job on your hotel, i’ll just add more details to the entrance part and the hotel itself to improve it a lot more. Keep up the good work man can’t wait to see more! of your work very soon!!
Not bad, it is missing some details tho.
Tips & Suggestions
All Hotels have something in common: eye catchy billboards. I think that a golden neon billboard would look perfect and that it would fit in well.
The empty grass sections should have a lightning source, Spotlights would look good.
You will still have alot of space when you add in lightning, add in bushes! I have something like this on mind:
Click me
I have a problem with the door. It feels grey and boring. (Is there even a door there?)
Try to make a door that stands out in a way, make it special and unique! Try to find a reference image on google.
After all it looks… Nice. Good luck on further work!
Ok so, I have a BUNCH of suggestions, but i’ll spare you half an hour of your life and just shorten it to a few:
A parking lot to the right side of the hotel!
A fountain on each sides of the grass surrounded by flowers.
More detail to the walkway.
The logo of your hotels name somewhere
Like @vAshinaa said,
for suite rooms, it would give more detail to the hotel, since it’s pretty bland (no offense!)
I feel some sort of plant life could really add to the grass areas and therefore the general appeal of the build.
For a really quick but effective solution, you could utilise ParticleEmitters. By using a grass-like texture; setting the “lifetime” setting to a high number (around 90); using a high “rate” (I used 50); and by using a relatively low “RotSpeed” (I used -1,1); you can get a really good effect.
Excuse the images – I made wheat for my game but the idea is virtually the same
You can also utilise plant meshes. While I’m not giving a great selection here, just searching for plants in the “meshes” section of the toolbox can work pretty well if you place them well
Trees! I’m sure you could fit a couple of trees in the grass areas, and they’d definitely make it way more interesting
Looks good, trough you can make 2 wings you can also add bars and more.