Need the id to be the id of the current player for dancing npc

I’m using an old Dancing NPC model I made, and I’m making a puzzle game.

I want to have a little thing of the player thinking above the puzzle area.

This is what I tried:

--[[animations; 507771019 roblox dance,3695333486 hype dance, 3333499508 monkey, 3303391864 around town, 4212455378 dorky, 4049037604 line dance, 3333136415 side to side, 4265725525 baby dance, 3338025566 robot dance, 3994127840 celebrate, 3576686446 wave, 4841405708
--copy and past the id into idle]]
local Model = script.Parent
local Config = Model.Configuration
local userId = Config.userId.Value

local Loader

if Config.AutoUpdateLoader.Value then
	Loader = require(5500416527) -- The auto updating module, free to take (By Yeah_Ember)
	Loader = require(script.MainModule)
Loader:updateModel(script.Parent, game.Players.LocalPlayer.UserId) -- PlayerID
local Track = Model.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.Idle)

this part I changed from a set id to the UserId of the player, although it’s not working.

local Track = Model.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.Idle)

Please help me!

Is script.Idle a value? if so, you need to use script.Idle.Value instead. If not, then send any errors you might have.

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