Need thoughts on my recent daily music practices

Hi! I just need feedback on these recent music practices. My music is a little random but most have a fast bpm (180-300), focused on the melody, and is inspired by an artist named “Frums.” Frums has a very unique style and genre so I just call it “chaotically beautiful.” I don’t have a target or goal of what I want my music to sound like so I just start off of what sounds good in my head at the time. I’ve been composing for a year now, but I have gotten more serious about it at the start of this year. Could you guys also recommend any free instrument (ex. Guitar, Trumpet, Saxophone) plug-ins? Much will be appreciated :heart:.

:loud_sound: I recommend listening to all the audio before giving feedback.

Name: Casual Elevator

Name: Melodic Speedcore 2.2

Name: Thumper

Name: Vyknsxq Noczksb…

Name: Piano Ending


These songs are great! Nice job on them! How long do they take to create?

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The time it took for each of these vary so I’d say it was a range of 1-4 hours of uninterrupted effort.

Thumper and Piano Ending being the shortest to make and the rest took longer.

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The bassy music has a lot of mud in them. You should attenuate(cut via a bell curve) the offending frequencies to keep that rumble and mud away.

To clean the mud, I think you should use a high-pass filter on certain sounds that do not require a sub-bass frequency(but not always depending if it is negligible). For the other part, target somewhere around the bass frequency with aforementioned bell curve with a medium-high Q value.

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I really like this comment! Thank you so much for noticing that because I never knew about muddy bass. I didn’t hear it myself until you pointed it out. I’m mostly self-taught and do a bunch of experimenting. Looks like I need to find more music help lol.