Need to code a teleporter

been coding for like 2 hours now and ive learned about variables and parents and children sort of, want to know how to make a teleporter just a part that teleports you to another part, if anyone can write a code and break it down for me I’d be very appriciative

local part1 = script.Parent 
local part2 = game.Workspace.part2
local Debounce = false

part1.Touched:Connect(function(Hit) -- checks if part1 has been touched
if Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and Hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health >= 1 and debounce == false then -- if hit.Parent find a child named humanoid and the humanoids health is greater than 1 and debounce = false it executes
Hit.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.Position = part2.Position -- changes character position to part2
debounce = true -- changes debounce to true so you cant teleport again
task.wait(2) -- cooldown
debounce = false -- changes to false so now you can teleport

i understand parts like the first 2 lines but could you break down how it works

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So, the debounce is set to false of course and more will be said later on, basically it checks if part1 has been touched a then executes. It checks whatever it touched has a humanoid and the health of the humanoid is greater than 1 and debounce = false then it changes the humanoidrootpart position to the position of part2. after it changes debounce to true so that you can’t get teleported after 2 seconds then it sets debounce to false so then you can use it again. Basically, the debounce is for the if statement so if the debounce = false it executes if it = true then it doesn’t execute. And for the teleporting it just changes the position.

If you don’t understand I’m sorry that I was not in depth.

To make this simple, you really need to just change the position of the HumanoidRootPart. (which is inside the character)

Add it to a touched event. Something as basic as this

local teleporter = script.Parent
local char

    if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
        char = hit.Parent
        char.HumanoidRootPart.Position = would go here)

No need for debounces really since it’s a teleporter and it will move the character, but for good practice I 'd recommend it.

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Sometimes with debounces it would execute multiple times so that’s why I have added it.

You could just make a teleporter like this.

function onTouched(hit)
   local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
   if player then


       local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(p.Parent)
       if player then
             player.Character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame() -- Put Part Position in the parenthesis 


Sorry but if you have read the post, he clearly said part teleporters. Useful information though!

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For my example this will be a normal script inside a model in workspace. Of course lets start with two part, lets name them PartA and PartB then group those two parts together into a model along with the script.

The code:

local PartA = script.Parent.PartA --- what **local** does is basically very much like what a variable does in math terms and can be called/name anything you like
local PartB = script.Parent. PartB

PartA.Touched:Connect(function(PartWhoHitPartA) --- This sets how the script is triggered/activated. **PartWhoHitPartA** is assigned to what touched PartA, it can be named anything you like
PartWhoHitPartA.CFrame = PartB.CFrame --- CFrame is very much like a parts Position, but CFrame brings the parts whole model or anything that is attached to it unlike Position
end) --- This ends the code/script

I hope this breaks it down for you, very simple and easy.

I actually have a working teleport system in my obby that allows for tens of teleport pairs. In terms of scripting, its closest to the solution @alexinkenski made

the way I did it is I make teleport pairs called 1, 1_receiverTeleport, 2, 2_receiverTeleport etc. and put them in a folder called Teleports.
Then I use a for-loop on that folder and connect all the just number named teleports (the non receivers) when touched to teleport the player into a receiver of matching name, using SetPrimaryPartCFrame

I can share the code if you want? its a bit complex if youre super new but i can explain it in detail