Need UI designer [on hold]

Looking for someone to design a decent ui for Roblox Skating Rink. I think a females eye would be best for this particular game, but anyone who really wants to work on this is welcome.

I only need icons and screen layouts designed, and it would be great if you can do some minimal scripting for navigation between the different screens, but everything else I will script when the design is completed. It doesn’t have to be anything like it is now. I don’t have an eye for this stuff, and I’m very dissatisfied with how it is atm. I don’t want any copy/paste generic icons, they need to be original. The icons of the different skates and clothing I will be remaking, just need button layouts made with a placeholder for all those. Looking for something that’s more intuitive and easier to navigate than it is now.

The icons I need are the main icons the players see while playing, and maybe a handful more on the other screens as needed to make the ui experience better and easier to use. There are several screens that need designed. A ‘store’ screen for buying passes and clothing, a screen for selecting skates, a screen for selecting dance moves, a ‘settings’ screen, and maybe an ‘about’ screen. What I have is a mess and ugly, so I need someone who can make it not a mess somehow, and cool. I’m thinking everything should look kinda neon-y, glowy somehow. If you think you can do this and/or have better ideas about the theme/design you’re probably the person for the job.

The designer will get recognition in the game for their contributions if they want it.

50k-100k Robux. $175-$350 USD Paypal. Pay is negotiable.

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I think you not only need a woman, but specifically a belly welly. Thoughts @theloudscream

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I am a male but if you cannot find anyone else I will be open to working on this.

I can provide minimal scripting for the UIs but keep in mind I am no programmer so there may be a limit to what I can do scripting wise.

Awesome. Scripting the navigation is just a minor convenience for me, but is not necessary at all. Can you send me a link to view some of your previous work?

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Sure I’ll message you them all.

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im down 8)


Why a female eye… Its a skating game.

just my instinct for this game. because of the image in my head of how I’d like it to look, I think a feminine lean would better match that. I’m not at all opposed to a male designer, but my instinct is to get a female to do it, so that’s why I suggested it.

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