Hello, I just recently added Nexus VR into my game and need some testers to try it out. I’m mainly looking for players to test out the GUI, but any form of testing works!
The goal: Go crazy! Try to break or glitch the game using its new Nexus VR. Feedback would be appreciated after testing!
I was kind of looking for people who would like to test for free if that’s all good with you. Normally I would love of pay you to test it, but I currently don’t have any available robux to pay you with.
Hey! The game works fine in VR, the lap system works fine and so does the respawn cart button, but none of the coming soon buttons do anything (I assume thats the whole point)
I recall seeing raindrops and I’m pretty sure it was cycling day/night. As for switching to 3rd person, I didn’t test that. I also won’t be able to test again as I’ve lent some of my equipment to my friend.