Hello, I am trying to convert a gun model to the Official Roblox Weapons kit, However i did everything correctly and it still didnt work can someone please show me how?
First question, what is that? (
An easy way is to make it into a mesh then insert the mesh id/texture into 1 thing then hide the other components.
So get a gun texture and mesh, find the mesh for the gun, change it, hide the other 2 parts.
The parts im talking about are these, in the red box
You could just hide all those meshes and then just insert the model, maybe, with some things anchored and not?
but what if i have multiple parts
Uhhhh IDK…Try experimenting? I’ve just been using meshes.
Sorry to re-ring this, but if anyone is still encountering any problems, some solutions to errors I’ve encountered while importing my own weapons into the Roblox Weapon System are:
Making sure that all children of the Tool are in their correct places, as shown here:
It doesn’t matter if you have extra parts to your weapon.
The names of ‘Configuration’, ‘Model’, or ‘Rifle’ don’t matter. -
Making sure that WeaponType’s value is set to BulletWeapon or BowWeapon,
Making sure that the PrimaryPart of the Model in your tool is set to the part that contains your Sounds, Attachments, and MuzzleFlash,
Making sure that your WeaponsSystem folder is either inside at least one of the weapons in the game, or is in ReplicatedStorage (which never really seems to work for me),
Making sure that, if your weapon has multiple parts, that they are all welded together and are not anchored,
and Making sure that all attachments for your weapon are in their correct places.