Needing Help On an Anti-Fly Exploit

Hello, My name is Phantasm.

Recently I’ve been having issues with exploiters flying in my game. I’ve tried a script which freezes the player if their going over 20 sps However, that just messes up my in game admin, I cannot fly, speed myself and so on. I hope someone can guide me on an anti-fly script, perhaps even give me some code. I hope there’s a better solution for flying, other than my speed script.

In best regards, Phantasm

There is no way for you to find a system that works perfectly with your admin system. You must make/find an anti-fly script and using your own scripting ability, make exceptions for admins.
In Adonis, you can call _G.Adonis.CheckAdmin(player) to check if one is an admin, so I’m positive there are ways for you to distinguish who is an admin for your admin module.

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