Hey there! So I’ve got a script that’s intended to resize the player (R15) upon touching the part (to which the script is the child).
Here’s what I’ve got:
local character = Player.Character
local Humanoid = character:FindFirstChild ('Humanoid')
if Humanoid then
local BDS = Humanoid:FindFirstChild('BodyDepthScale')
local BWS = Humanoid:FindFirstChild('BodyWidthScale')
local BHS = Humanoid:FindFirstChild('BodyHeightScale')
local HS = Humanoid:FindFirstChild('HeadScale')
if BDS and BWS and BHS and HS then
BDS.Value = 0.25
BWS.Value = 0.2
BHS.Value = 0.25
HS.Value = 0.25
I’m not a scripter so I don’t know what’s wrong here. Would appreciate if anybody could point out/correct the issue, thanks