Needing Help with adjusting an accessory mannequin

Hello there! I’m a UGC modeler that works on a commission basis for others, I came to ask for assistance with managing my accessories on mannequins. I often set up the accessory and an equip station so that my clients may preview the accessory, though I’d like to ask how may I add more onto the current mannequin script so it provides a GUI where they can choose which color they’d like to preview it in.

Currently I use a model online which provides a prompt to equip the name of the accessory I set it to, though I can imagine this is incredibly inefficient and doesn’t even delve into the hassle that is recolors

This is pretty much the script that’s in these previews that I use

local dummy = script.Parent
local ProximityPrompt = dummy.ProximityPrompt
local AssetName = "Spiked Gauge"


	local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()

	local check = dummy:FindFirstChild(AssetName)

	if check then
		if character:FindFirstChild(AssetName) then else
			local c = check:Clone()

			c.Parent = character

So I come asking here if there’s possibly a model online I can add to my studio to aid in this process, or what may I do/add to this script to aid in recolors

Many thanks,