Hello, I’m making a fighting game where there are two leaderboard stats, Kills and All time Kills. I want the alltime kills to save with a datastore but for some reason it isnt working. I don’t get ANY output errors so I don’t know what’s wrong. Here is my code:
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local dataStores = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local playerAllTimeKillsDataStore = dataStores:GetDataStore("All Time Kills")
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder", plr)
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
local playerKills = Instance.new('NumberValue')
playerKills.Name = "Kills"
playerKills.Parent = leaderstats
local playerAllTimeKills = Instance.new('NumberValue')
playerAllTimeKills.Name = "All Time Kills"
playerAllTimeKills.Parent = leaderstats
local playerAllTimeKillsData = playerAllTimeKillsDataStore:GetAsync(plr.UserId)
if playerAllTimeKillsData then
print("Player has data.")
playerAllTimeKills.Value = playerAllTimeKillsData
if playerAllTimeKills.Value >= 1 then
print("You already have some kills.")
print("Player has no data.")
playerAllTimeKillsDataStore:SetAsync(plr.UserId, 0)
print("Player now has data.")
local leaderboardThing = plr:WaitForChild("leaderstats")
local playerAllTimeKills = leaderboardThing:WaitForChild("All Time Kills")
playerAllTimeKillsDataStore:SetAsync(plr.UserId, playerAllTimeKills.Value)
– I have studio access to api services enabled
– I only want AllTimeKills to save as a datastore, not kills.
If anyone knows how to make my code actually save AllTimeKills Data, please reply down below!
I don’t know a lot about datastore, actually it’s my biggest nightmare. But i think that it’s not working because you created the folders inside the PlayerAdded function. Maybe creating the folders in a separate script and accessing it from that one will work. But i could be wrong, i barely know how datastoring works.
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local dataStores = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local playerAllTimeKillsDataStore = dataStores:GetDataStore("All Time Kills")
local leaderstats, allTimeKills = nil, nil
local function savePlayerData(plr)
leaderstats = plr:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
if leaderstats then allTimeKills = leaderstats:FindFirstChild("All Time Kills")
if allTimeKills then
local sus, err = pcall(function()
playerAllTimeKillsDataStore:SetAsync(plr.UserId, allTimeKills.Value)
end) if not sus then warn("Save Data Error: " .. err) end
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder")
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
leaderstats.Parent = plr
local playerKills = Instance.new("NumberValue")
playerKills.Name = "Kills"
playerKills.Parent = leaderstats
local playerAllTimeKills = Instance.new("NumberValue")
playerAllTimeKills.Name = "All Time Kills"
playerAllTimeKills.Parent = leaderstats
local data = 0
local sus, err = pcall(function()
data = playerAllTimeKillsDataStore:GetAsync(plr.UserId) or 0
end) if not sus then warn("Load Data Error: " .. err) end
playerAllTimeKills.Value = data
for _, plr in pairs(players:GetPlayers()) do
SavePlayerData() is also link with BindToClose, for shut downs. So it’s best for this version to use FindFirstChild and quick check. Loads data on join, saves data on exit along with a shut down trap.
Added load/save data error warnings … helps if data error to not disable the script and debugging.
Problem 1: It breaks my punch code (The animation and the damage dealing), if I use my original non-functional script the punch script works, maybe there’s an interference of some sort?
Problem 2: Due to problem 1, I am unable to gain kills so I can test whether this code works or not.
Sorry you’re having problems with it … they sure were a headache for me for also.
Maybe it would be best to wait on that. I left you a link to an editable example.
Getting a solid datasave working for me was a priority, never did get much help.
Good luck with your game.