Needing help with tweening character rotation with CFrame towards direction without tweening the Position

  1. **What do you want to achieve?

I simply want to rotate without the position changing since when the position changes it makes my character stand still and the movement feels wonky.

  1. **What is the issue?

when my character rotates with CFrame it also changes the position to its current position making it stand still for a split second and messing up the movement.

video clip here: Movement buggin

this is my code

tween = TweenService:Create(root,, {CFrame =, rootPos + moveDir)})

Just use the Orientation of the HumanoidRootPart, or probably something like this, I am not sure tho

{CFrame = root.CFrame +, 0, 0), rootPos + moveDir)})
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Ive tried a few times with orientation but it never really works and that script returns me with this error anyways imma spend some time and see if I can fix it now that im home from school.