Needing like 2-3 more low poly builders

Me, @13kapi13, and ChiefDays are looking for low Poly builders to help us with an Astroneer inspired game. Obviously its not going to be too much like it because of the style of build we have chosen If you are interested Add me on discord and send your best low poly build

Discord: KnockOfScripting#3411

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Explain. There’ not much suggested as in what program you want low poly builders to create in. Ex: Blender, Roblox Studio ect ect

Please explain on what types of objects and along with the price. And explain the game. I have not played it and would like to know what it’s about before I begin.

I believe you have made one of these posts before and was asked by @Billy_Dodo to fix it and add more explanation.

Why would I need to say where they build? Right now we are gathering people to make this game, the discussion will happen after they have been hired.

You’re not being specific. Say you want meshes in low poly. You need someone who works on Blender. There’s a lot more than just a one sided view of things.

We need people who can make low poly models, meshs in roblox studio. We tell you details about what we need in game if you will be hired.
About payment we will be talking with you when you will be hired.

@KnockOfScripting There isn’t enough detail in this post, please refer here for more detail on what you should be adding. I don’t want to work for something I don’t know what i’ll make, and even with the game. Nobody answered anything about what I asked. Explain it.


Alright, game will be based on Astroneer, in our opinion this game in roblox version got big potential. We will tell you plans after you will be hired. Maturity should be on 100%… Rest details about the game we will tell you later.

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Good luck in your endeavors - both gathering support and finishing your project.

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If you want your post to be successful, you need to properly pitch your idea in depth so that people feel like this is an idea that appeals and will become successful. And more importantly, generally explain how much they’ll be getting paid - e.g. x amount of robux per model. Money will always make your hiring thread more attractive to developers.

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