(Needs Maintainer) Nexus VR Character Model [Open Source]

I have an update on the whole R6 VR thing I wanted to try.

I know @TheNexusAvenger didn’t want to implement this at all, but I decided I would try to attempt it myself. It took a little while to fully figure this out. I never ended up modifying the Model in anyway. It uses HumanoidDescriptions that don’t work all that correctly just yet (hats don’t attach where they’re supposed to) but it does work with fairly basic avatars. I think once I fully get it working I’ll open source it, but to test it’s basic functionality, you can do so here.


(don’t mind the random gun tool, it was quickly thrown together for testing purposes, and does not work as intended.)


Thank you! Now I can make my VR Game on roblox!

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Amazing! Glad to see it. :happy2: Anywho, hope you don’t give up Goodluck.

For an unknown reason, it doesn’t currently work when I put it in my game. Any idea why?

It appears you have inserted the MainModule used by Nexus VR Character Model, not the loader script. The MainModule may pop up in the search results next or before the loader script.

I inserted the loader, it still doesn’t work.
At least it partly works, I guess.

Also, it shows this.

Seem to be completely unable to rotate my view around. Having to shove my character onto a corner or wall and grind my character against it to rotate.

I also don’t seem to see the blue line in for pointing for teleporting.

I know this is a little old, but I think instead of “SmoothLocomation” it should be “SmoothLocomotion” (Change “a” to “o”)


A new update has gone out for Nexus VR Character Model. The code changes for V.2.2.0 are fairly small:

  1. The Nexus VR Character Model menu got a refresh to use rounded buttons as part of the latest update to Nexus Button.
  2. A new setting was added to the menu named “Roblox VR Cursor”, which has 3 state:
  • Detect (Default) - Will only show the Roblox cursor when the menu is detected.
  • Enabled - Will enable the Roblox cursor.
  • Disabled - Will disable the Roblox cursor.

The second point is in response to a GitHub issue that was opened after the first wave of Roblox VR improvements. Because of this: the Roblox menu fully works, and voice chat can be toggled. Voice chat hangout games are now practical with Nexus VR Character Model!


Follow-up to the last update: V.2.2.1 has been released with a new Detect cursor mode. Instead of detecting when a menu is open, it will detect when a VR cursor is visible. The default cursor should work in any case that Roblox works, as long as the game doesn’t blindly clear stuff in Workspace.CurrentCamera (Vibe NYC is an example of a game that seems to do this - which can have other consequences to Roblox UIs).


Just a quick question on if we could get proximityprompt support? I checked the core API but I didn’t see anything listed for it.

ProximityPrompts work natively with Roblox and require no work with any VR systems. Any issues you have (if any) should be brought up to Roblox.

They do work natively, sure.
But there’s not an option to set the activation keycode for VR users alongside gamepad and keyboard keycodes, they don’t respond to hand positions instead of characters, and they don’t treat each hand like a separate entity that could trigger a prompt. Along with probably other things it should realistically have.

I realize in retrospect this is more of a community contribution thing, so maybe I’ll look into adding this functionality and making a github pull request instead of asking you to do it.

Supporting this probably would look the same as supporting BillboardGuis, which is to say the math would be a lot to get just right for not a lot of people to use. That and you would need to use Nexus VR Core, which adoption is near 0. I don’t think it is worth the effort over other solutions used by other games. If you have a physical button, it should act like a button. Not a thing that pops up and tells you it is a button and to select the thing that isn’t the button to activate.

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I noticed recently that I’m unable to equip any sort of gear or be able to see the “backpack” tab in general. Is this related to some sort of roblox issue with the new VR menu put in place?

I hope whatever it is gets fixed, it definately made playing in VR a bit more entertaining.

Nexus VR Character Model uses a custom backpack. The inputs are different.

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Quick question, will there ever be a new project that involves R6 and VR in the future?

As mentioned before, R6 isn’t planned. R15 replaced R6 a long time ago.

Nexus VR Character Model never has and won’t support R6. Supporting R6 and R15 is more complicated to design for and doubles the testing requirement. R15 is already ahead in terms of features supported by Roblox and will grow as time goes on. You really should move on to use R15 instead of R6.


Maybe I should move on with R15.