(Needs Maintainer) Nexus VR Character Model [Open Source]

I just played a game that uses this Model but R6. Your module by default doesn’t support R6 as you feel it is outdated and less powerful technology, and R15 is just better with it, I personally agree. Much more expressive.

However, If I wanted to get the same R6 experience like this person did with your module, how would I go about doing so?

Example of it in action:

The gameplay is quite fun with R6 as it is R15


I have no clue what was done here, but this use case isn’t supported. Consider posting in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support for ideas on how to accomplish this. However, API and catalog-wise, R6 is being left behind, so it may not be ideal to create new content using it.

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Okay, I will proceed to make a post in the category. If you do have any hint as to how this was possible, I’d love to hear it in Direct Message or here. If not, that’s fine too. Hopefully I do figure it out. Would be a nice thing to put together, even if it is being left behind.

The developer of this game is amazing for trying to configure the code to enable and trigger R6 to work. Even making it have IK Is cool. I wouldn’t see why not to get this in another game.

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Is there any way for me to be able to pick up objects with this? I’ve always thought it would be cool for the player to pickup a sword or something and start fighting enemies or something.

I’ve spoken to the creator of such game and they pointed me in the direction that allowed me to pull this method off myself without even touching the source code of the module. Still learning a tiny bit about it though! I was able to get an R6 rig animated by VR however, which was nice.

Nexus VR Character Model does not provide this natively. There are several other posts about object grabbing that cover why.

Consider posting this somewhere, such #resources:community-resources or #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback. There are a lot of people who have asked me for R6, which is something I am not granting.


What I would do to personally achieve something like this is to use BasePart:GetTouchingParts() when a certain button is pressed so you can weld a tool to the hand of the VR rig. There is much more ways to do it, but I feel like that would be the most basic “pick up objects” system you can get.

I will consider doing so once I learn everything about it. Wouldn’t want to post a community resource that doesn’t work, right?


How would I go about setting the movement method through a script?

Let’s say that throughout the game, I want to show a cutscene to the player and to ensure that they don’t go out of bounds, I want to set their movement method manually to “None”. Is that possible or am I better off using other methods, such as setting their walkspeed to 0?

I would recommend setting the walkspeed to 0. It is a simple way to stop VR and non-VR players without locking your implementation to Nexus VR Character Model.

Is there a way you can lock the character in a certain position and only let them move their head and hands?

If you mean not being able to move with controls, the post above covers a quick way to do it isn’t tied to having Nexus VR Character Model.

If you mean completely stopping movement in the X and Z from player’s just moving their head (not using controls to move), this use case isn’t supported. In Self-Driving Simulator for example, players can’t move their character with controls, but can slide on seats. While I haven’t experimented with it, I have a feeling motion sickness would set in fast if a player’s camera rotated but did not move like the Samsung GearVR.

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Thanks a lot, solved my issue. :smiley:

Amazing work. Do you know if there’s a way to set a custom starter character instead of the player’s avatar?

You will want to use Roblox’s StarterCharacter setup. It isn’t specific to Nexus VR Character Model and works for non-VR players.

So I tried the starter character method, and it ended up making my avatar act like it’s on Xbox. I can still see everything in VR but it acts like it’s on Xbox. Does it matter that I’m using an Oculus Quest 2 instead of a rift s? It seems to work fine without the starter character. Also, one more question for this, does it work with scaling? If so, what’s the best method of doing that?

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It shouldn’t matter. There may be more to this that is causing issues.

Scaling is supported. You will want to look up how scale characters in general.

Hello Nexus! I have a question!

Is it possible to set locomotion as default movement instead of teleporting? If not do you have this planned for later?

Thanks :smiley:

In the loader script, you need to modify DefaultMovementMethod to have SmoothLocomotion instead of the default Teleport.

Thank you so much! I’m just stupid and didn’t see it at all! Thank you for taking time to help me :smiley: