i have previousley done this, but before i could finish tuning roblox studio decided to close for no reason so i lost all my work on that.
I forgot the paramters and i give up now, so hopefully soemoen else cna help me.
I have one other car that has PERFECT suspension, but i just cant find out the perfect suspension for this new car chassis
The mass of the car is around 191 (idk what its mesured in)
idk if this will help but the car looks liek this:
If anyone can help, thank you.
i love suspension, but HATE actually tuning it
mmm i don’t know much about car suspension but I do know a bit about file recovery from spontaneous closes.
If you go to File > Game Settings > Places > Version History
you should be able to access several past versions of your game that aren’t the autosave (I still recommend tuning on autosave)
this may require some trial and error to find the right version (especially if you already spend more time in the same file)
(also also I cant remember if this only works for published games or not, if it does and yours isn’t published then… save for future use?)