Nefeli | Public Handbook

Welcome to Nefeli’s Public Handbook! :bow_and_arrow:

Nefeli is greek-themed, mythologically inspired eatery, with eccentric plans to effectively represent the Greek culture on the Roblox platform. Established in late 2021, our goal is to develop an ideal community with ideals that permit the group to stand out amongst the bustling crowd.

Code of Conduct


At Nefeli, one of our main priorities is to ensure our guests are satisfied with their experience at our eatery and within our Discord. With that being said, we hope individuals who enter our eatery or Discord consider these certain rules.

Roblox Guidelines

Nefeli highly enforces all Roblox Guidelines. If an individual is noticed breaking any Roblox Guidelines, you will receive a consequence at any Nefeli affiliated games, along with a possible ban due to the severity of these guidelines.


Nefeli is a community that encourages its players to be themselves, however individuals must wear appropriate clothing. Clothing such as hateful messages, NSFW pictures, etc will not be allowed. If individuals do not change clothing after being notified, moderation action will be taken.


Trolling at any Nefeli affiliated games will not be prohibited. If an individual is noticed trolling, an immediate kick will be given. As for trolling, Exploiting at any Nefeli affiliated games is highly prohibited. Any individual exploiting will be immediately banned and blacklisted from Nefeli.

General Group Knowledge

In order to begin working as a Low Rank at Nefeli, interested applicants will have to successfully pass an application via the application center along with attending a training session. When you pass and become the first Low Rank, you will advance up through Kitchen Star by points in-game.

How do I become Staff Member?

To become a working Staff Member at Nefeli, as mentioned you will need to pass the application along with attending a scheduled training session post passing. Once this is completed, you will be able to head to the restaurant to begin working as an Junior Chef!

What are in-game points?

Points are awarded to staff members when items are handed to customer(s). Buying multipliers through Nefeli’s gamepasses will allow for a multiplication depending on the boost given. Points are also purchasable within the shop interface.

How can I get promoted?

Promotions commonly require earning the correct point amount to advance to the next rank. By buying multipliers or points, you will initially be promoted quicker.

  • To be promoted from Junior Chef to Senior Chef, you will need to obtain 100 in-game points.
  • To be promoted from Senior to Master Chef, you will need to obtain 350 in-game points.
  • To be promoted from Master Chef to Kitchen Star you will have one of the two options; obtain 500 points or purchase the Kitchen Master gamepass.
Kitchen Star Gamepass

Nefeli generously offers the rank purchase of the “Kitchen Star” gamepass, which provides eligibility for players to instantly apply for a Management Team rank upon the release of applications along with the instant access to being able to work to gain a promotion if applications are not currently open.

Perks of the Gamepass:

  • No trainings required
  • No points needed to advance within the ranks
  • Instant eligibility to apply / be promoted to a Management Team rank
  • Instant eligibility to work and be reccomended for the Management Team
  • Kitchen Star particle

Rules and Guidelines:

  • Grammar is not required, but sentences stated must be legible to the reader(s).
  • Any sort of disruptive actions such as Trolling, Bypassing, or Exploiting will not be tolerated and will result in immediate action.
  • Refund will not be issued no matter the circumstance, so ensure you are able to work properly within the establishment.
Affiliate Guide

Nefeli and its affiliates share mutual benefits in order to explore a wider community that integrates both parties equally. These groups listed under the ‘Allies’ tab agree to publicize events and information, as well as respecting the style of leadership in addition to agreeing to not overstep their boundaries. In order to become an affiliate of Nefeli, message someone with the ‘Public Relations’ role in our communications server if your group meets our criteria with a document answering the following questions.

Alliance Requirements

  • Must have a minimum of TBD group members — exceptions are allowed on a rare basis.
  • Must have a minimum of TBD community server members.
  • Must have an operational staff team and minimum of two representatives that can connect with our team.
  • Must not sell administrative ranks.
  • All facilities cannot contain stolen assets or ideas without permission from the original creator. Must have an active community.

Alliance Application

  • What’s your group’s name, group link and non-expiring server invite?
  • What two representatives will be representing your corporation at Nefeli?
  • What makes your group stand out from other groups in your industry?
  • How can Nefeli benefit from this alliance and vice versa?
  • How can Nefeli ensure your group can have a long-lasting partnership with Nefeli?
  • Do you understand that Nefeli can warn, terminate or blacklist your group for not following our regulations or not following our “unwritten” regulations?
Rank Descriptions

Olympians Olympians are the first and most abundant rank of Nefeli. Highly-valued members of the community, our olympians create the overall atmosphere of the group. This is the lowest rank available other than becoming a guest.

Noted Customer Noted Customers are typically a contributor, former Executive, person of high influence in the Nefeli community, or close friend of the Owners. This rank can only be obtained if given by a member of the Leadership Team.

Awaiting Training The “Awaiting Training” rank is for newly hired staff members who’ve passed our staff application . However, Trainees cannot begin performing chef duties until they complete a training. This training will explain basic duties such as grill operations and serving etiquette.

Junior Chef After completing one training session, Trainees will become a Junior Chef. This is the first low rank that can perform an interaction with a customer properly. Junior Chefs are responsible for completing orders including the cooking process. They can rank-up by achieving 100 worker points.

Senior Chef The second low rank is the Senior Chef rank. Senior Chefs have a broader understanding of Nefeli serving and cooking systems, and have the opportunity to assist newer staff with understanding general operations. Senior Chefs can rank-up by achieving 350 worker points.

Master Chef Master Chefs are the third low rank and have an even more developed set of skills based around their duties as a staff member. Master Chefs are beginning to become more equipped and begin to prepare to end their low rank journey. Master Chefs can obtain their next rank once they have earned 500 worker points.

Kitchen Star The final low rank is the rank of Kitchen Star. Members in this rank have the largest understanding of how being a staff member operates. They can share this knowledge in a role similar to a mentor would. In order to become a Middle Rank, Kitchen Stars must apply or rank up through a recommendation.

Staff Assistant Staff Assistants are the first middle rank position and have showed leadership qualities as a low rank. These individuals are exposed to internal operations of the group and will begin to explore new responsibilities.

Shift Supervisor Shift Supervisors are a more experienced middle rank in comparison to the previous role. They’ve demonstrated basic understanding of management responsibilities and are proficient in their development as a staff member.

Kitchen Coordinator Kitchen Coordinators are one of the more accomplished figures on our staff team as they continue to explore more responsibilities as a middle rank. Members in this role gain access to hosting sessions and can serve as a guide for new middle ranks.

Assistant Manager Assistant Managers have similar responsibilities to the previous role. They continue to show more prowess as a management team member which furthers their journey as a middle rank. These individuals begin to prepare for the conclusion of their management pathway.

General Manager General Managers are the highest ranked members of the management team. Members in this rank have demonstrated strong leadership qualities that will potentially qualify them for high ranking positions.

Board of Executives Board of Executive members are placed into one of the two Nefeli departments, Public Relations or Staff Management. As the first Executive position, these individuals begin to take on a more public role in company operations as they work alongside their peers to manage more specific areas of the group.

Managing Officer Manager Officer includes two individuals who have shown significant growth as a member of our team and have worked efficiently. One of these individuals will receive co-leadership in Staff Management. The other individual will receive co-leadership in Public Relations. These individuals begin to take on a more internal role as they work alongside their leads.

Executive Director Executive Directors are the final high rank and include the leads of each department. Members in this role have shown significant growth as a member of our community and the necessary skills that will allow them to guide newer high ranks.

Development Team Developers are privately commissioned by the Owners in order to create specific assets for the group. Although this position will not always be open, there may be new staff hired if need be. These individuals are highly respected in their practices and are renowned community members.

Vice President Vice Presidents are the first super rank and members of the Leadership Team. These individuals have shown significant dedication to Nefeli and are granted higher administrative privileges.

President President is the final super rank and is awarded to individuals who have continued to explore and hone their skills as a member of Nefeli’s Leadership Team. These individuals serve as a direct advisor to the Owners and a guide to newer super ranks. If the Owners are ever unavailable, these individuals will serve as the interium until they return.

Owner The Owners are two individuals who currently own the group and run all operations. They are in charge of managing the entirety of the group and have direct authority over day-to-day functions. This rank is unobtainable unless passed on.

Group Holder The group holder is the account that protects and holds Nefeli!

Appeal Information

Appeal Information

At Nefeli, we strive to have a positive environment within our ROBLOX games and Discord. If you are caught breaking any Nefeli rules, these may result in consequences such as ROBLOX game bans, Discord bans, etc. However, Nefeli strongly believes in giving individuals second chances. If you wish to appeal your ban, please go through our appeal requirements. If you meet these requirements, you are approved to utilize the ban appeal form. A member of the Staff Management Department will get to you soon.


  • Ban must have been 2 weeks before appeal.
  • Trolling will not be allowed within your appeal, Nefeli has every right to decline if so.
  • Must be a Discord or ROBLOX ban to appeal. Individuals must show effort in appeal to prove they have improved.
  • Nefeli has every right to decline an appeal for any reason, do not express any backfire if you are denied your appeal.


  • Why were you banned from Nefeli?
  • Where were you banned at Nefeli? i.e Discord or ROBLOX.
  • How have you improved from your ban?
  • Why are you appealing your ban today?
  • Do you understand Nefeli has every right to decline your appeal for any reason?

Unfortunately, this form does not assist any affiliate blacklists. If your company was blacklisted from being an affiliate of Nefeli, please contact a member of Public Relations for any further conversations.

Important Links

:bow_and_arrow: Nefeli Group
:baby_chick: Nefeli Twitter
:movie_camera: Nefeli Tiktok [Coming Soon]
:joystick:Nefeli Youtube [Coming Soon]

We appreciate you reading our public handbook. Please feel free to reach out to any Department Member+ if you have any issues or concerns that have not been addressed. We sincerely hope that you enjoy all that Nefeli has to offer! :cloud::sunny:

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