Negating Part bugs collisions

I have this large union which basically halves a part with a cylinder. Unioning it makes it look normal, but when I turn on Show Decomposition Geometry, it shows this weird collision on the union that doesn’t look like the negated part

I’ve also tried turning on PreciseConvexDecomposition, but it makes the collisions even worse



How do I fix this?

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I’m not an expert in this particular field, but my hacky programmer brain tells me to make the union CanCollide = false, then add invisible parts that will act as the floor.

Though this is just if you need a quick hacky fix haha


Would work, but it could take a really long time :cry:. Thanks for the idea though!

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Change the CollisionFidelity to PreciseConvexDecomposition
That should fix it


I’ve already tried this, but thank you for the help :slight_smile:

it didn’t work for me one time, and it was just a square shape, sometimes its not working for some reason :rofl:

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