So basically having negative health on a player’s humanoid will bug the health display.
I’m not sure if this is considered a bug or is wanted behaviour but I decided to still report it because I don’t think any game could actually benefit from that.
Edit: Just saying I do think that this is an issue for more games than just mine considering my game isn’t the only one that has bricks passively remove health, and if you have CharacterAutoLoads off for a death screen for example it will just result in that UI bug.
Lol I have a little hope because of the new health display, maybe they would change it now.
Also at the old health bar I believe there was some method to bypass it, I don’t exactly remember how tho.
While it would be nice to have it fixed, I don’t think this is very high on Roblox’s priorities.
Try directly setting the Humanoid’s health to zero. Should fix your issue for now, although do note that you should remove the default healing script before attempting this.