Neither of these scripts appear to be working

First script is anti-god, located in StarterPlayer:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer

repeat wait() until LocalPlayer
repeat wait() until LocalPlayer.Character

local Character = LocalPlayer.Character
local Backpack = LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("Backpack")

	if Obj:IsA("Humanoid")then
		LocalPlayer:Kick("suspicious activity")

The second script is anti-tp, located in StarterCharacter:

interval = 1
punishment = 1

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer

wallet = script.Parent.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("tp")

while wait() do
	if LocalPlayer:GetRankInGroup(4219097) < 100 and wallet == false then 
	currPos = script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.Position
	nowPos = script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.Position
	distMoved = nowPos-currPos

	maxMovable = interval*script.Parent.Humanoid.WalkSpeed

	if distMoved.X > (maxMovable+10) or distMoved.X < -(maxMovable+10) or distMoved.Z > (maxMovable+10) or distMoved.Z < -(maxMovable+10) then

			LocalPlayer:Kick("suspicious activity")

According to the person who made these for me, they worked in studio for him. But now that I’ve implemented them into my game, they are not working. God mode makes no sense, and the tp should work as all I did was add value checks to make sure nobody gets falsely kicked if being teleported by the server.

Any help is appreciated, as we’re truly stumped on how this is not working.

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The fe god mode hack basically removes the humanoid of the exploiter’s character. It creates a new one client-sided since the deletion of any object in character also replicates to the server. but if the exploiter makes a humanoid locally it will not replicate to the server but the character will not reset. idk why it works like that I didn’t make the replication system. What the first script does is that if an object is removed from the character and the object is a humanoid it kicks them

these are both localscript so a exploiter could easily just disable them

here is a video that might help you


Both of these scripts should be on the server.