Neo Warfare X Private Server Commands Guide

Private server commands are available to the owners of the private server and staff(Mod+). You can execute a command by typing it in the chat, frequency is not taken into consideration. Here are a list of commands available to private server owners with their respective description.

/togglerealism - Enables wrecks of vehicles to not despawn, aircraft may break up when destroyed
/cleanworkspace - Clean wrecks and projectiles(ex. shells, missiles, bombs, torpedoes, etc.)
/toggleradarinmenu - Useful for RPs or events with PvP elements, this disables the radar in the spawn menu.
/togglecityunloading - Useful for stopping the game from automatically unloading cities(making them essentially invisible), useful for tank battles to avoid people from not having a city unloaded and then being able to see everyone, this fixes that issue.
/forcedcombatmode - Forces combat mode to stay on, meaning you spawn with combat mode and it is reenabled if you attempt to turn combat mode off.
/togglekillfeed - Toggles a kill feed in the chat
/togglenukecooldown - Toggles the nuke cooldown
/toggledatalink - Toggles the ability to use datalink
/savesettings - Saves the currently loaded settings, ex. if you enabled realism, it has been saved
/loadsettings - Load your previous save of settings, if nothing is saved, it will load nothing
/autoloadsettings - When enabled, your last saved settings will automatically load on server startup

The following commands are available for anyone even on public servers.

/getserverinfo - Gets information about the server you are in.
/jointeam [team number 1-99 - Sets your IFF/Team to that number, you can check someones team if they have a number at the bottom left of their radar contact, like in the following image they are in team 2