Very very Nice. Though the lack of face on the character is kindof creepy.
Character feels a little stuck-on though. Mostly due to the different lighting on the character and in the environment.
I like it. The character’s clothing doesn’t really fit in tho.
Looks good! The gradient ‘Neon’ text looks really cool.
The person there looks about like you just plopped her right there, But I like the outfit and I think it goes with the environment.
Good job for a first! Can’t wait to see how you improve over the year.
Amazing art piece, especially as a first! I do agree that the character does look a bit odd. Almost looks hovering or copied onto the art – aka the lighting isn’t touching it in the right way. Otherwise pretty good!
Rated 9.5/10
I like it! The colors give me a sort of retro vibe. Keep it up!
Kinda scary with no face.
I don’t like the font of the text. I don’t really see how that marker font fits with the rest of the graphic. I like the use of gradient, though. I also think that the character doesn’t really appear to be flush with the environment. The usage of color is really nice, and I love the background and reflection. For a first time, that’s really nice!
The lack of shadow from the player makes it seem like they’re not a part of their environment. Aside from that, it’s nice!
Gradient used on the font gives it a really cool look and feel! Vaporwave look almost,
I like this a lot.