Neon sword feedback

I made this neon sword and I’d like to hear your feedbacks!


This sword looks great! Pretty unique for Roblox! Great job on it! How long did it take to model this sword?

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It looks great but I wouldn’t recommend making the handle neon because it doesn’t look natural.

Thank you for your feedback! It took me 3-4 minutes to model this.


Well, it’s my own desighn of the handle. Anyways, thank you for your feedback!

Due to the size of the handle (mainly that its 50/50 with the blade) it looks more like a knife/dagger than a sword, but other than that it looks good, lacking a little definition in shape but its not like that really matters much when its neon.

Thank you for your feedback :heart:!

It looks cool! Well done, my friend!:pray:t2::pray:t2:


Thank you for your feedback so much :heart:!