Nerdbotbot Building Portfolio

Hello, there! MY name is Jack and I am an aspiring game designer, I have many ideas for games and stories. I am 17 and I only have about a year of building on Roblox Studio and a couple builds on Blender. I am officering my experience as a builder for terrain and for houses and other structures, I am also great at coming up with ideas for games, functions and gameplay mechanics and overall game design, I can also write(Not Code) if needed.


I started on a project last year but i abandoned it because the people i was working with weren’t fulfilling their part but i did all of the building, This is the place: Old Republic CC - Roblox

Here are some pictures of my work:

Screenshot 2024-12-30 134240


My schedule is pretty open most days, Thursday through Saturday i have work All after noon, but i can work in the mornings.


Prices are negotiable, I will work for cheap because I am inexperienced, and can take payment for venmo(Preferred) or paypal


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter, My Discord is leekeybum(Jacklyn)