I got this weird error, even though I didn’t have any anchored part on my character I still get this error on the console Network Ownership API cannot be called on Anchored parts or parts welded to Anchored parts
this error only show when I clone the character to workspace
local babykaory = minionnya:Clone()
local rdmspawnlist = math.random(1, #spawnlist)
local rdm = rdmspawnlist
local hmrt = babykaory:WaitForChild("HitBool") --for some reason it doesn't tp the character when I use HumanoidRootPart
hmrt.CFrame = spawnlist[rdm].CFrame + Vector3.new(0,1,0)
babykaory.Parent = workspace.Enemy.minion
since no one knows how to fix this, I have found a temporary solution
add task.wait(5) before calling SetNetworkOwner to fix the error, this is a strange bug since not happened to all my NPC even though they all have the same rig and model, just different texture