Network Ownership article does not exist: Learn Roblox Optimization unfulfilled

On the Optimization section of Learn Roblox, there is a tile for Network Ownership. That being said, attempting to navigate to this page returns a page not found error. That is because the article does not exist. Attempting to search for it bears no fruit.

Network ownership has become a fairly big part of developing on Roblox not only for optimisation but for accomplishing various tasks, such as:

  • Constant replication without excessive remote calls
  • Replicating movements of characters, vehicles, etc.
  • Preventing exploiters from manipulating objects by taking advantage of parts following automatic assignment
  • Taking advantage of network ownership to enhance user experience via minimal delays, lack of vehicle stuttering, etc.

It would be VERY helpful for new developers, as well as experienced developers, if an article regarding the use of network ownership and best practices for it existed. As it is right now, we’re left to trust each other, find scraps of texts or read off of whatever exists for the methods to learn Network Ownership.

It is also worth noting that the article on Network Ownership is on Learn Roblox, which means that it’s part of the central hub of learning how to develop on Roblox. Some developers do read the articles here and a missing page means a whole branch of missing knowledge for optimisation practices, which are fairly important for a game’s (continued) success.


I can access this page.

Added your example here:

This is a wider spread issue than just this specific page. Pages randomly stop being accessible for people .


I’ll mark this as the solution to redirect thread viewers to this larger issue. I never knew that it was more than just this article, since I seem to be able to access the rest of them just fine.


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